
Deze woorden verbeteren de JUISTE klantervaring

(Lieve Nederlandse ondernemer, hoe graag ik ook wil, ik heb maar 24 uur in een dag. Gezien mijn achtergrond doe ik dus alle wekelijkse en dagelijkse content in het Engels. Hoop dat je dat snapt!)

Ever wondered why a piece of text goes straight to your heart and the other doesn’t? What is it about language that determines the overall experience we get?

There’s a LOT to discover about language.

But let me tell you this: what you perceive as a compelling, intriguing, fun or inspiring piece of wording, won’t necessarily have the same effect on somebody else. We’re all quite different. Which means that different people want to experience different things.

So, as an entrepreneur, is it your job to please everyone into getting that a-level experience? To find language that is associated with so-called professional behavior? To abide by the rules of business?

No way. In fact, that would downgrade the experience and put you in the sea of sameness.

In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s your job to polarize and create an experience specifically designed for the people you want to work with the most. If you don’t polarize enough, you might attract the people that are half-way with ya, or half-way out. Average = not what we want.

Instead of adjusting to the generally accepted communication style, you’d rather find a style that will match your brand.

This means you need to be clear on your brand’s identity. Then, you decide on how you show up and express yourself through your brand’s personality. Language is a part of that.

Once you know the type of personality you have, it’s time to share your message in such a way, that it will create the right customer experience. The experience your ideal client is looking for.

So how can you create that experience through language?

Here’s which words have a massive effect on this: adjectives. Adjectives are the difference between a trustworthy, reliable brand and a fun and playful one. Between a brand that wants to activate and encourage, and a brand that wishes to take people on an imaginary journey of possibilities.

So here’s what you need to do:

1: understand who you are – not just you as a person, but your brand.

2: understand what your client needs to experience to get them to the next level. Is it encouragement? Certainty? Adventure? Self-esteem? Connection?

3: find adjectives that support those needs

4: use these in your copy!

Hope this helps. Remember to use thesaurus.com or synoniemen.net (for the Dutchies).


Good luck!!!!


xx Michelle
