Make a M.A.R.K. – How to be unapologetically remarkable.
How can you make a mark?
How can you become unapologetically remarkable by establishing your personal brand?
How can you make a mark?
How can you become unapologetically remarkable by establishing your personal brand?
Hit a plateau? Realize that to get to the next level – in your business or career – you need to do something different? Afraid of putting yourself out there and looking for a little more self-confidence?
In Make your M.A.R.K. you’ll go through 4 simple steps to stop the self-sabotaging and
transform that into a clarity on how to make a mark in a way that feels right.
You’ll receive the videos and some words of encouragement every other day by email.
Conscious, international entrepreneur, award-winning speaker and thought-leader on love-based personal branding.
“There’s only one way: Jesus’ way. He’s the way, the truth and the life.” Words spoken to a 16-year-old girl who just courageously defied her mother and the church’s pastor by speaking up for her desire to live a life on her own terms – not theirs. Eight months later she listened to her mother’s voice, uttering: “I love you so much, you’re my daughter, but I love God more. And I need to know I’m living by his truth. If you decide to live in sin, you can’t stay here.”
Michelle, like many others, has gotten her share of rejection, judgement and unsafety in life. And yes, for years the fear of getting another share stopped her from really following her soul’s purpose. But at the same time, it was in her DNA to love, to be expressive, to be autonomous. She couldn’t conform and deny herself for long. There was always a yearning to follow her own path, express herself and love freely.
As a personal branding trainer and coach, she supports entrepreneurs and professionals to unveil their truth. To really make their mark, walk their own path on their own terms. As a former, highly successful copywriter, she assists them in finding their story and message and confidently share it from the heart. Are you next?
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